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Defraggler Crash on some machine at launch time


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first thanks a lot for this wonderfull free powerfull tool. That's great.


I've tried to use it everytime the machine performances sounds slow, but for +- 50% of the tested machine, the application allways crashed after a fews seconds, without anything done. You only have to wait until crash.


Please find below a log produced by the /debug option with the last Build.


Note : for the other machines, the run is allways successfull.



[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#615 C:\Program Files\Defraggler\defraggler.exe[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#617 CmdLine: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\defraggler.exe" /debug[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#621 Version: 1_4_98[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#647 FileVersion:[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#648 ProductVersion:[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#649 Flags: 0x00000000, OS: 0x00000004, Type: 0x00000002, Subtype: 0x00000000[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#650 Flags description: Release[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#668 Computer name: Ynnnnnn[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#675 User name: axxxxxx[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#683 OEM ID: 0[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#684 Number of processors: 2[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#685 Page size: 4096[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#686 Processor type: 586[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#687 Minimum application address: 10000[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#688 Maximum application address: 7ffeffff[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#689 Active processor mask: 3[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#692 Clean boot: 0[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#693 Monitors: 1, Display: 1280x1024, Virtual: 0x0 1280x1024[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#703 Major: 0x00000005, Minor: 0x00000001, Build: 2600, PlatformId: 0x00000002[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#704 SPMajor: 0x0002, SPMinor: 0x0000, CSDVersion: "Service Pack 2"[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#705 SuiteMask: 0x00000100, ProductType: 0x00000001[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#717 Memory: Load: 46, Physical: 1149575168/2145292288, PageFile: 3250380800/4132704256, Virtual: 2115653632/2147352576, Extended 0[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 1 wWinMain#135 /debug[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CDriveListForm::CDriveListForm#37 GetSystemWindowsDirectory returned "C:\WINDOWS" (system volume is C:).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CMainFrame#117 Entering CMainFrame::CMainFrame[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for UpdateCheck failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<class ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,class ATL::StrTraitATL<wchar_t,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > >::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for UpdateKey failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for UpdateFrequency failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CMainFrame#117 Leaving CMainFrame::CMainFrame[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#383 Entering CMainFrame::OnCreate[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for MainWindowTopSplitterProportionalPos failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for MainWindowBottomSplitterProportionalPos failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#252 Creating driveListForm_.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.002] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#254 Creating driveMapForm_.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.002] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#256 Creating fileListForm_.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.018] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::PrepareLayout#283 Updating layout.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#36 Checking for updates[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#48 Update check is needed[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#57 Forcing update check[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00610 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckThread#68 Update check thread started[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#417 Registering object for message filtering.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::Initialize#306 Initializing VolumeManager.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase#10 Entering CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase#10 Leaving CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager#10 Entering CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager#10 Leaving CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::Initialize#19 Entering CVolumeManager::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#18 Entering CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#28 Enabling SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege succeeded.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#34 Enabling SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege succeeded.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#18 Leaving CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::Initialize#19 Leaving CVolumeManager::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::Initialize#311 Initializing VolumeNavigator.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#103 Logical drives mask: 0x011a814c, arrival mask: 0xffffffff, removal mask: 0x00000000.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CDriveMap::CDriveMap#14 Entering CDriveMap::CDriveMap[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CDriveMap::CDriveMap#14 Leaving CDriveMap::CDriveMap[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator#9 Entering CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator#9 Leaving CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::Initialize#23 Entering CVolumeNavigator::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::Initialize#23 Leaving CVolumeNavigator::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CDriveListForm::OnVolumesMapChange#399 Select first volume on list.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CFilesListViewImpl::DoSort#263 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolume::CVolume#31 CVolume object created for volume C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#277 Volume: C:, size: 80023716864, free: 39288811520, fs: NTFS, name: "".[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#56 Entering CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolumeManager::ChangeNotificationOwner::ChangeNotificationOwner#47 Registered notification for "C:\", handle: 0x000000d4[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.205] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#49 Intialization for volume C: started.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.424] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#82 Volume C: open, handle 0x0000015c.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.424] 00acc 1 IsFatVolume#16 File system type for volume 0x0000015c is NTFS.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.424] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#94 GetClustersCount for volume C: returned 19537040 clusters.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.440] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#383 Leaving CMainFrame::OnCreate[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.502] 00acc 1 CVolume::ReloadMap#226 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 1c 2a 01 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff [2008-11-06] [08:24:49.502] 00acc 1 CVolume::ReloadMap#239 MftZone: <896480, 898240).[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#120 Raise VolumeMapChangedSignal for volume C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#124 Intialization for volume C: finished.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#56 Leaving CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume D:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::ConnectToVolumeSignals#110 Connecting to volume C: signals.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 5 for volume D:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi D:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume G:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume G:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi G:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume I:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume I:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi I:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume P:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume P:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi P:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume R:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume R:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi R:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume T:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume T:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi T:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume U:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume U:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi U:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume Y:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume Y:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi Y:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 CDriveListForm::OnVolumesMapChange#390 Select default volume C.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::SelectVolume#271 New volume selected: C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 CFilesListViewImpl::DoSort#263 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#73 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x00000000)[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.565] 01620 1 CVolume::UpdateDriveMap#317 Map generated in 0.01617 seconds.



this machine runs XP-SP2 like others with or without problems.


Thank you in advance for your feed-back. <_<



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no feed_back on my request. I'm surprised.

This problems sounds like a table problem (too much drive).


Is'nt it possible to get a fix ?






first thanks a lot for this wonderfull free powerfull tool. That's great.


I've tried to use it everytime the machine performances sounds slow, but for +- 50% of the tested machine, the application allways crashed after a fews seconds, without anything done. You only have to wait until crash.


Please find below a log produced by the /debug option with the last Build.


Note : for the other machines, the run is allways successfull.



[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#615 C:\Program Files\Defraggler\defraggler.exe[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#617 CmdLine: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\defraggler.exe" /debug[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#621 Version: 1_4_98[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#647 FileVersion:[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#648 ProductVersion:[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#649 Flags: 0x00000000, OS: 0x00000004, Type: 0x00000002, Subtype: 0x00000000[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#650 Flags description: Release[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.924] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#668 Computer name: Ynnnnnn[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#675 User name: axxxxxx[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#683 OEM ID: 0[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#684 Number of processors: 2[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#685 Page size: 4096[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#686 Processor type: 586[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#687 Minimum application address: 10000[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#688 Maximum application address: 7ffeffff[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#689 Active processor mask: 3[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#692 Clean boot: 0[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#693 Monitors: 1, Display: 1280x1024, Virtual: 0x0 1280x1024[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#703 Major: 0x00000005, Minor: 0x00000001, Build: 2600, PlatformId: 0x00000002[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#704 SPMajor: 0x0002, SPMinor: 0x0000, CSDVersion: "Service Pack 2"[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#705 SuiteMask: 0x00000100, ProductType: 0x00000001[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 0 Logger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#717 Memory: Load: 46, Physical: 1149575168/2145292288, PageFile: 3250380800/4132704256, Virtual: 2115653632/2147352576, Extended 0[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.971] 00bf8 1 wWinMain#135 /debug[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CDriveListForm::CDriveListForm#37 GetSystemWindowsDirectory returned "C:\WINDOWS" (system volume is C:).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CMainFrame#117 Entering CMainFrame::CMainFrame[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for UpdateCheck failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<class ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,class ATL::StrTraitATL<wchar_t,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > >::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for UpdateKey failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for UpdateFrequency failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CMainFrame#117 Leaving CMainFrame::CMainFrame[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#383 Entering CMainFrame::OnCreate[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for MainWindowTopSplitterProportionalPos failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<int>::DoDataExchange#135 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for MainWindowBottomSplitterProportionalPos failed (hr=0x80070002).[2008-11-06] [08:24:48.986] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#252 Creating driveListForm_.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.002] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#254 Creating driveMapForm_.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.002] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#256 Creating fileListForm_.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.018] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::PrepareLayout#283 Updating layout.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#36 Checking for updates[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#48 Update check is needed[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#57 Forcing update check[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00610 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckThread#68 Update check thread started[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#417 Registering object for message filtering.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::Initialize#306 Initializing VolumeManager.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase#10 Entering CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase#10 Leaving CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager#10 Entering CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager#10 Leaving CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::Initialize#19 Entering CVolumeManager::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#18 Entering CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#28 Enabling SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege succeeded.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#34 Enabling SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege succeeded.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#18 Leaving CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeManager::Initialize#19 Leaving CVolumeManager::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::Initialize#311 Initializing VolumeNavigator.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#103 Logical drives mask: 0x011a814c, arrival mask: 0xffffffff, removal mask: 0x00000000.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CDriveMap::CDriveMap#14 Entering CDriveMap::CDriveMap[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CDriveMap::CDriveMap#14 Leaving CDriveMap::CDriveMap[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator#9 Entering CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator#9 Leaving CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::Initialize#23 Entering CVolumeNavigator::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::Initialize#23 Leaving CVolumeNavigator::Initialize[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CDriveListForm::OnVolumesMapChange#399 Select first volume on list.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.033] 00bf8 1 CFilesListViewImpl::DoSort#263 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolume::CVolume#31 CVolume object created for volume C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#277 Volume: C:, size: 80023716864, free: 39288811520, fs: NTFS, name: "".[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#56 Entering CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.143] 00acc 1 CVolumeManager::ChangeNotificationOwner::ChangeNotificationOwner#47 Registered notification for "C:\", handle: 0x000000d4[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.205] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#49 Intialization for volume C: started.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.424] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#82 Volume C: open, handle 0x0000015c.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.424] 00acc 1 IsFatVolume#16 File system type for volume 0x0000015c is NTFS.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.424] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#94 GetClustersCount for volume C: returned 19537040 clusters.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.440] 00bf8 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#383 Leaving CMainFrame::OnCreate[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.502] 00acc 1 CVolume::ReloadMap#226 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 1c 2a 01 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff [2008-11-06] [08:24:49.502] 00acc 1 CVolume::ReloadMap#239 MftZone: <896480, 898240).[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#120 Raise VolumeMapChangedSignal for volume C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolume::Initialize#124 Intialization for volume C: finished.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#56 Leaving CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume D:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::ConnectToVolumeSignals#110 Connecting to volume C: signals.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 5 for volume D:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi D:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume G:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume G:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi G:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume I:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume I:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi I:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume P:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume P:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi P:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume R:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume R:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi R:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume T:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume T:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi T:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume U:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume U:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi U:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#262 Start update for volume Y:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#217 Unsupported drive type 4 for volume Y:[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.518] 00acc 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#298 Finish update for bvi Y:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 CDriveListForm::OnVolumesMapChange#390 Select default volume C.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 CVolumeNavigator::SelectVolume#271 New volume selected: C:.[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 CFilesListViewImpl::DoSort#263 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.549] 00bf8 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#73 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x00000000)[2008-11-06] [08:24:49.565] 01620 1 CVolume::UpdateDriveMap#317 Map generated in 0.01617 seconds.



this machine runs XP-SP2 like others with or without problems.


Thank you in advance for your feed-back. <_<



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  • 2 months later...
Thanks a lot MrRon.

Do not hesitate to contact me for further details or tests.





happy new year to all of you.


This update to this post only to tell that this problem is not yet fixed in Release


Perhaps the explanation could come from the fact that the HD is encrypted using SafeGuard Easy (mandatory tool here for laptops)

This is what i get today :

error Signature

Appname : defraggler.exe AppVer : ModName : defraggler.exe

ModVer : Offset : 0009c1b1


Exception report file generated atached (uploaded)..






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happy new year to all of you.


This update to this post only to tell that this problem is not yet fixed in Release


Perhaps the explanation could come from the fact that the HD is encrypted using SafeGuard Easy (mandatory tool here for laptops)

This is what i get today :

error Signature

Appname : defraggler.exe AppVer : ModName : defraggler.exe

ModVer : Offset : 0009c1b1


Exception report file generated atached (uploaded)..





Well, I am glad to see that I am not alone in getting this error. I have gotten this exact error on multiple machines and posted in another topic with my /debug log in mid December. Still no replies or answers as to what it might be or a fix. I thought it was a problem with my slipstream'd and sysprep'd image until I worked on several factory installed machines lately that get the same error. I do not have any encryption on any of the drives I tried it on and my only thoughts were that it was an XP SP3 issue until I saw this post where it happens on a SP2 machine. The strangest thing is that I noticed this problem on my laptop first using a similar (slipstream'd and sysprepp'd) image and somehow it started working a few days later after I did many things.....if only I could remember what I might have done.


I love defraggler and all piriform products to date and it kills me to have to startup the ol' built in defrag utility over and over again knowing that there is a better program......I think it would be like eating salads because seasoned juicy steaks make you sick......wait.....I just got a tear thinking about a dilema like that......I just want my defraggler back! (steak too now that I scared myself!)

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Hm... I have Defraggler installed on 6 XP installs and have only experienced one crash at startup. In my instance this was due to my clicking the "Analyze" button before the drive map had been populated. This isn't by chance what you're experiencing is it? It doesn't sound like, but I figured I would double check as aside from that I haven't seen any other crashes like that...


With regards to my crash, perhaps the Analyze button shouldn't be enabled until the drive map has completed populating...

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Hm... I have Defraggler installed on 6 XP installs and have only experienced one crash at startup. In my instance this was due to my clicking the "Analyze" button before the drive map had been populated. This isn't by chance what you're experiencing is it? It doesn't sound like, but I figured I would double check as aside from that I haven't seen any other crashes like that...


With regards to my crash, perhaps the Analyze button shouldn't be enabled until the drive map has completed populating...


Hi M_Lyons,

i get the failure at Defraggler Startup without any click. I launch and wait.... for the crash.

So, "too quick manipulation" explanation for this issue.



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Hm... I have Defraggler installed on 6 XP installs and have only experienced one crash at startup. In my instance this was due to my clicking the "Analyze" button before the drive map had been populated. This isn't by chance what you're experiencing is it? It doesn't sound like, but I figured I would double check as aside from that I haven't seen any other crashes like that...


With regards to my crash, perhaps the Analyze button shouldn't be enabled until the drive map has completed populating...


My crash is exactly the same as Godzestla's. I only have to wait until it crashes. In other words, no buttons are clicked before the crash happens.

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My crash is exactly the same as Godzestla's. I only have to wait until it crashes. In other words, no buttons are clicked before the crash happens.


Oh, alright. That's a different issue then. I haven't experienced that particular crash. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help...

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