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Defraggler Translation


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Hi lucabis, welcome to the Forum,

install any file downloaded from this Forum is not the right way to translate the Piriform Products.


Just wait until the next release, that will correctly install

the language .dlls builded by the Defraggler Developers



Hi WhiteShark,


I fully agree with you ;)

However, where is French in the "Haloween" release I just installed :blink: ....

But in my previous post :lol::rolleyes:

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Hi WhiteShark,


I fully agree with you ;)

However, where is French in the "Haloween" release I just installed :blink: ....

But in my previous post :lol::rolleyes:



Hi Lidgeu,

as said, AFAIK the Piriform translation system is based on this Web Site:


I don't think the Devs will ever pick up any translated DLLs or edited EXE files from the Forum.


Said this, to be clear, i'm just a Piriform products user like you, and can't decide anything in this matter.



max_sig.gif Guide in italiano per CCleaner - Recuva - Defraggler - Speccy

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I don't think the Devs will ever pick up any translated DLLs or edited EXE files from the Forum.

I agree with you. Despite my attached dll for Russian language in the distribution is dll with incomplete and inconsistent translation.

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Hi Lidgeu,

as said, AFAIK the Piriform translation system is based on this Web Site:


I don't think the Devs will ever pick up any translated DLLs or edited EXE files from the Forum.


Said this, to be clear, i'm just a Piriform products user like you, and can't decide anything in this matter.




Good evening Whiteshark,


Got the message. :rolleyes:.

I can understand the devs must keep the control of their product - and so also ensure perfectly correct translations. I agree they can't spend their time in, for instance, evaluating which is the most valuable of the two Traditional Chinese translations proposed into this forum by enthusiastic :wub: Defraggler fans.

However, giving the number of proposals vs the limited number of languages included in the current version, I think they could be helped in increasing the success of this product by "opening" a little bit the access to the translation website ;) . Obviously, with "selection filters" in this access :lol:

So the question is : How can we "officially" propose our -free and long term- contribution to the Piriform's website (even thru an MP :lol: )?




PS : How is currently the weather in Italy? Here, in Belgium, it's around a foggy 5?C at noon ;)

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Good evening Whiteshark,


Got the message. :rolleyes:.

I can understand the devs must keep the control of their product - and so also ensure perfectly correct translations. I agree they can't spend their time in, for instance, evaluating which is the most valuable of the two Traditional Chinese translations proposed into this forum by enthusiastic :wub: Defraggler fans.

However, giving the number of proposals vs the limited number of languages included in the current version, I think they could be helped in increasing the success of this product by "opening" a little bit the access to the translation website ;) . Obviously, with "selection filters" in this access :lol:

So the question is : How can we "officially" propose our -free and long term- contribution to the Piriform's website (even thru an MP :lol: )?



as said, the only way i know is PM a Developer/Forum Owner :)


Some weeks ago i have also suggested to Piriform Staff to insert a new forum section. Something called "Translators Lounge", or "Piriform Localizations", or something like this, to group any translations related messages (eg. bug reports, suggestions, rants, new languages offering,

and so on), and perhaps also reserved to occasionally ask/give help in non-english languages.


I'm still waiting for an answer... :)



PS : How is currently the weather in Italy? Here, in Belgium, it's around a foggy 5?C at noon ;)


Raining, but not that cold... ;)

max_sig.gif Guide in italiano per CCleaner - Recuva - Defraggler - Speccy

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Today I have downloaded and installed Defraggler 1.04.098 with multilingual support. Thank you very much for the program but I must say that there are some mistakes in Russian translation.


1) In menu Действие (Action) option Дефрагментировать папку... (Defragment folder...) should be renamed into Дефрагментация папки... . It should be done to match the translation of the options Дефрагментация диска (Defragment drive) and Дефрагментация файла... (Defragment file...).


2) In menu Действие (Action) > Дополнительно (Advanced) option Проверить диск (Check Drive for Errors) should be renamed into Проверка диска.


3) In menu Действие (Action) > Дополнительно (Advanced) options Дефрагментировать свободное место (Defrag Freespace) and Дефрагментировать свободное место (разрешить фрагментацию) (Defrag Freespace (allow fragmentation)) should be renamed into Дефрагментация свободного места and Дефрагментация свободного места (разрешить фрагментацию) correspondingly.


4) And the name of the button Дефрагментировать (Defragment) is too long for the button's size. It should be renamed into Дефрагментация.


In all the cases these changes will help to shorten the menu and button names, and all the items will be in one style (shorter nouns instead of longer verbs).


Thank you

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George Yves

Да, просто я переводил "вслепую", не имея возможности сразу же увидеть, что и где. Как вам переводы других программ разработчика? Рассмотрю все замечания.

I fixed some mistakes, waiting next version.



Very long time persists mistype in Russian installer text for all Piriform applications. It's on "Advanced options" page.

Incorrect (now): Создть ярлыки в меню Пуск

Correct: Создать ярлыки в меню Пуск

Please, fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just downloaded the 1.05 Defraggler, was happy because there's a French translation...


But when you analyse the drive, see the fragmented files, and select them, the "Defrag Checked" button is translated into "Analyse de la d?fragmentation".


It's absolutely nonsense (It means something like "Analyse the defragmentation"). It should be "D?fragmenter les fichiers s?lectionn?s" (Defrag selected files) , or if it's too long maybe "D?fragmenter la s?lection" (Defrag selection)


(Sorry if my english is bad...)


[EDIT] Oh, and in the "Action" menu it should be "Analyse du lecteur" not "Analyze du lecteur".

And the "Contr?ler les erreurs des lecteurs" should be something like "Chercher les erreurs du disque" if it searches for drive errors.

And it's "Disque local" not "Disque locale".

And it's "Syst?me de fichiers" (File system) not "Fichiers syst?me" (System Files)

And if you stop while it's building the file list before defragging, it says "Construction incompl?tes de la liste de fichiers" It should be "Construction incompl?te de la liste de fichiers"

And you forgot to translate "Save all settings in to INI files" in the options >> General . It is "Sauvegarder les param?tres dans un fichier INI"

And in Options >> Planification it's not "Journellement" (it doesn't mean anything) but "Quotidiennement".


And the Options >> Defrag tab is not translated. It should be :




[checkbox] D?placer les gros fichiers au bout du disque dur


Param?tres du d?placement


Taille minimale : [something] MB


[checkbox] D?placer uniquement les types de fichiers suivants :


Cat?gorie | Types de fichiers


Images du disque (I dont't know if it's correct- do you mean they are the hard drive's image or some CD images ?)




And in the A propos tab, the "Aucune information n'a ?t? trouv?e sur www.defraggler.com" means it found nothing on defraggler.com, is that really what it should be ?


And the "Des informations sur les produits Piriform peuvent ?tre trouv?e sur..."

should be "Des informations sur les produits Piriform peuvent ?tre trouv?es sur..."


I think it's all...

Piriform French translator

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I just downloaded the 1.05 Defraggler, was happy because there's a French translation...


But when you analyse the drive, see the fragmented files, and select them, the "Defrag Checked" button is translated into "Analyse de la d?fragmentation".


It's absolutely nonsense (It means something like "Analyse the defragmentation"). It should be "D?fragmenter les fichiers s?lectionn?s" (Defrag selected files) , or if it's too long maybe "D?fragmenter la s?lection" (Defrag selection)


(Sorry if my english is bad...)




I think it's all...


Bonsoir Aethec,


Dans mon post #10, le fichier "zip" contient ma propre traduction en fran?ais (que j'avais soumise ? l'?poque, sans r?ponse de la part des d?veloppeurs :mellow: ).

Tu extrais du "zip" le fichier "lang-1036.dll". Dans le r?pertoire de Defraggler, tu renommes le fichier existant du m?me nom ("au cas o?") puis tu copies alors le mien dans ce m?me r?pertoire. Tu auras une traduction correcte ;)

Tes suggestions d'adaptation sont les bienvenues. Envoie-moi un MP, pour ne pas "encombrer" le forum. :rolleyes:




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Merci, j'avais pas vu :unsure:


Bon faudrait quand m?me esp?rer que l'?quipe de Piriform prenne ta version ou utilise mes corrections au lieu de prendre Google :lol:


[EDIT] Heu, ta traduction est-elle pour la 1.05.111 ou pour une ant?rieure ? Chez moi ?a marche pas :huh:

Piriform French translator

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Hi :)


Here attached the V1.05.111 French translation (update of the new "Defrag" menu in "Options").

How to install :


1- Download the ZIP file,

2- For backup purpose, rename the original "lang-1036.dll" file located in the Defraggler directory WITH A PREFIX as, for instance "OLD_lang-1036.dll" (or move - not copy - to an other directory),

3- Extract "lang-1036.dll" from the zipfile into the same Defraggler directory,

4- Run defraggler, ensuring French is selected.


That's all folks ;)



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I downloaded Resource Hacker and edited the DLL because I was not happy with some of Lidgeu's text (not that they are false, but...I didn't agree with them)

But the "Defraggler is already running" still appears in English (bug ?)


Here's my translation, if someone wants to use it, simply follow Lidgeu's steps in the post above me.



[see post below]


---------------------------------------French : ------------------------------------------------------------------


J'ai ?dit? le DLL car je n'?tais pas d'accord sur certaines parties.


Mais le message "Defraggler d?j? d?marr?" (Defraggler is already running) est toujours en anglais, s?rement un bug.


Voil? donc ma traduction, si qqun veut l'utiliser, suivez les instructions de Lidgeu plus haut.


[EDIT] Fichier ZIP ajout?, et un truc corrig? (j'ai remplac? "D?fragmenter les surlign?s" par "D?fragmenter les fichiers surlign?s", je trouvais ?a plus clair)



[Allez vers le post en bas pour une trad updat?e...

Piriform French translator

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Pour le _ je suis un boulet, le ZIP a un _ mais le fichier a un - :wacko:


Les s?lectionn?s ben...Mince.


D'ailleurs, le fichier de langue fait presque autant en taille que Defraggler lui-m?me :blink:



Voil? donc le DLL avec un accent en moins :lol:

Piriform French translator

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Ca c'est bizarre. Le fichier italien install? par Defraggler c'est 12 Kb (12.288 bytes) seulment.




Bonsoir Whiteshark et Aethec,


Je crois comprendre. :blink:

J'avais remarqu? que le fichier fran?ais contenu dans la derni?re version de Defraggler ?tait (d?sol? pour le traducteur) bourr? de fautes d'orthographe, de traductions fausses et ... qu'il lui manquait les ressources 2063 et 2064 dans la string table (d'o?, les messages 33001, 33002, 33003 et 330013 non traduits).

J'ai donc un peu "bidouill?" avec Reshacker pour extraire la string table compl?te. Je pense que Reshacker a gard? un tas de code cach?. En fait, je crois que la derni?re version de mon fichier lang-1036.dll contient, invisible, la majorit? du code de degraggler.exe ... ce qui explique sa taille.

Je viens d'ailleurs de v?rifier les fichiers propos?s par notre ami ukrainien et son fichier a aussi une taille trop grande.

Toi qui a le contact privil?gi? :rolleyes: avec les d?veloppeurs, tu pourrais peut-?tre obtenir un fichier lang-xxxx.dll complet, o? l'on pourrait traduire les messages cit?s plus hauts. On pourra alors faire une trad nickel. :lol:


Bon week-end :D



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