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Everything posted by MauriceM.

  1. Hej Léon, or I see the small mistake because I am so accurate - as always: It depends on the point of view. "Be happy with the excellent translation that you find in CCleaner." < Sounds to me like "Deal with it!". Really? For what is this forum for? For self-adulation? The situation: There is a bug (here: typo) which has been reported nearly a year ago. There are also other (German) speaking member who can confirm the issue. I don't understand what criteria are used for fixing bugs. My conclusion: The developers have no interest in changing something. If I am wrong, please show me the opposite. - Maurice
  2. Hej, sorry mta, but I (totally) disagree with you. First of all: There _is_ already another German speaking member who can confirm the issue (#17). How many additional voices do we need? Second: I'm also a software-devolper and can tell you that this small typo is fixed in seconds. Just hit STRG + F in your favourite IDE and search for the string. Substitute 'h' with an 'H' - and ready, steady, go. We're not talking about "things-for-next-version" - I reported the typo nearly a year(!) ago. Sadly, I really can't understand what's the big problem here. - Maurice
  3. Hej, the typo still exists - no interest in fixing it? - Maurice
  4. Hej Léon, as trium said: It is a typo. And yes: I am sure. :-) - Maurice
  5. Hej, the typo still exists in version 5.15.5513. - Maurice
  6. Hej, just for your information: The typo still exists in the newest version 5.11.5408. - Maurice
  7. Hej Nergal, I know what you mean: Someone say thea answer is "A", the next one disagree ... same as usual. But here it is clear a simply typo ("herunterladen" -> "Herunderladen") which don't need more discussion. If more information is needed: Feel free to ask. :-) - Maurice
  8. Hej trium, finally someone else get the typo! :-) As I already mentioned, it should be a very easy fix. Maybe a developer could write something here? - Maurice
  9. Hej, can someone please confirm the issue? - Maurice
  10. Hej, sadly, nothing changed with the newest version. Have a look at the following screenshot: Note, that the typo is still there: "Neue Version! Klicken zum _h_erunterladen..." instead of "Neue Version! Klicken zum _H_erunterladen...". - Maurice
  11. Hej hazelnut, sorry for that inconvenience. My fault. In fact, that my bug report is only a very small typo, I think it is fixed very easliy and quick. :-) - Maurice
  12. Hej trium, Du irrst Dich (beziehungsweise kannst Dich nicht erinnern, da Du wahrscheinlich immer zu fix aktualisierst): Sollte eine neuere Version zum Download zur Verfuegung stehen, aendert sich das "Nach Updates suchen" in _auch in den neuen Versionen_ in den obige Hinweis mit der falschen Grammatik. Ich finde es etwas schade, dass Ihr Euch auf das "Argument" der "alten Versionen" stuetzt, wobei davon doch Niemand spricht. Ich habe den Screenshot der total veralteten Version oben nur genommen, da ich (trotz extra Installation einer aelteren Version) den Typo-String nicht in adaequater Zeit habe triggern koennen (ich wiederhole mich), Euch aber trotzdem eine visuelle Unterstuetzung geben wollte, was ich meine. Und wenn mir jetzt immer noch nicht geglaubt werden sollte, dann liefere ich Euch einen Screenshot nach, sobald ich wieder Kunden-Rechner aktualisiere - und der Hinweis dort erscheint. - Maurice
  13. Hej, please use in out-dated versions instead of "Neue Version! Klicken zum _h_erunterladen..." -> "Neue Version! Klicken zum _H_erunterladen...". I hope, I clarified it now? - Maurice
  14. Hej, ja, die Version ist alt (Screenshot stammt aus dem Internet, also den roten Pfeil ignorieren), da ich den Typo wie gesagt selbst nicht triggern konnte (und mit einer aktuellen Version ja sowieso nicht). ;-) Wenn die Version veraltet ist und sie das automatisch merkt, dann erscheint der oben genannter String ("Neue Version! Klicken zum herunterladen...). Das "Herunterladen" muss auf jeden Fall groß geschrieben werden. :-) - Maurice
  15. Hej, I would like to report an typo-related issue I've already seen a very long time ago but haven't had time to do so. Unfortunately I wasn't able to trigger the typo so I searched the web. Please have a look at the following screenshot: There is an update-notification in the bottom right corner ("New version available! Click to download..."). In german: "Neue Version! Klicken zum herunterladen..." but it has to be the following: "Neue Version! Klicken zum Herunterladen..." (Consider the case sensivity.). - Maurice
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