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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. Yes, the ini file keeps a record of what settings you have changed and loads it into CCleaner when you start it.

    So if you have now ticked that box then any settings you now change will be saved to the ccleaner.ini and reloaded next time you open CCleaner.

    You can manually make a copy of a particular ini file in File Explorer, so that if you need/want to you can go back to the settings saved in it.
    (I have my own settings backed up in that way, so that when I change my settings to help with a question here I can fairly quickly use that backup copy to undo those changes).
    It's also possible for advanced users to make further customisations in the ini file itself, but usually that is done in the winapp2.ini (if you have one) rather than the CCleaner.ini

    What it does mean is that if you already made a CCleaner.ini by ticking the 'Save all settings as an INI file' and then untick it again, CCleaner will no longer update that existing ini - and so any further settings changes that you do make will be overwritten by the existing ccleaner.ini when it loads.
    So if you are going to change settings and want the changes to stick then you either have to:
    Have that 'Save all ...' box ticked, so that it saves your changes to ccleaner.ini,
    (That's the preferred way to do it).
    Leave the 'Save all ...' box unticked, and delete any existing ccleaner.ini file so that there isn't one to load.
    (The problem with that seccond one is that if you have to reinstall CCleaner the settings will revert to default, and they might revert during an update too).

    The user Manuals/FAQ's can be found here (scroll down and click the box that you want): https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US
    CCleaner 'How to' videos on various topics and settings can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsL9Q1gZ6XzSx3twnszuUg


  2. The only times that I know that to happen is if you reinstall, or if you click on 'Restore default settings' in Options>Advanced.

    Can you give more details of what you are doing when you say that this happens for you?

    Do you have a ccleaner.ini file? And if so then is 'Save all settings to INI file' still ticked?
    (If an ini is used and then that setting later unticked then CCleaner will continue to use the last ini file that was made before you unticked it, meaning that any further changes you make to the settings will not be saved because when you open CCleaner again the settings will revert to what is in your saved ini file).


  3. Sorry, I had replied but it seems to have gone missing.

    This is being persistent isn't it; lets try the following next:

    • Make a note of your licence key and registered name.
    • Make a note of you CCleaner setttings and Options.
    • Uninstall CCleaner.
    • Completely delete the CCleaner folder (C:\Program Files\CCleaner) and all it's contents.
    • 'Restart' your machine.
    • Download and use the 'Slim' installer from the builds page to install a new CCleaner Free.
    • Use 'Run CCleaner v##' from within the installer to open CCleaner Free.


    If you now have the full sidebar back then re-register the CCleaner as Pro and put you setting/options back as you want them.

    If you still don't have it back right then we may have to get advanced and dig into the Windows Registry, are you comfortable doing that?

  4. I think that you are meaning this screen in Health Check:

    After you have ticked the ones that you want to keep click 'Add to allowlist'.
    The screen will change to show the ones you are now keeping, (with a bin icon next to each one in case you later want to remove it).
    Then simply click 'Go back' to go back to the cleaning.

    However - if you can't see the two buttons for 'Cancel' and 'Add to allowlist' then that is because they are off the bottom of that pop-up window.
    That happens if your screen resolution and/or magnification settings in Windows are greater than 100%.
    It's happening because that white pop-up window is a fixed size, and so if/when you magnify the content it grows outside of that window and currrently cant be brought back into it. Of course that isn't ideal and the developers are looking at it.
    If that is happening fot you then in the meantime putting your screen resolution/magnification back to 100% in the Windows settings will bring those two buttons back into view.

    Alternatively - There is also another way to set which cookies to keep (ie. add then to the Cookie Allowlist), it's a more advanced method which allows you to specify individual cookies to keep rather than just whole websites.
    It also lets you add ones that aren't on that "frequently chosen" list.
    That method can be found on this Option, and you can find instructions on how to use it at this link.

  5. 13 hours ago, Hat3ck said:

     I paid the subscription and it still asks me to upgrade, how do I fix it? Thanks. 

    Have you purchased a licence for CCleaner Professional Plus. or CCleaner Premium direct from CCleaner/Piriform?

    The Licencing/Activation of CCleaner Android works differently depending on how you purchase the licence.

    If you purchase CCleaner Android from the Google store  then that purchase is automatically linked to the Google account it was purchased from, CCleaner Android is Activated automatically on your Google account and you are not given a licence key to enter.

    However if you have purchased a multi-device key with Cleaner Pro Plus or CCleaner Premium then you don't need to purchase from Google store -  but you do need to 'Activate' that multi-device licence key on your Google account.

    See here for how to Activate your multi-device key on your Google account: https://support.ccleaner.com/s/article/how-to-register-and-activate-ccleaner-professional?language=en_US#h_01GAP5TG6C06QSHJ8R43EMMJRM

    Click where it says 'For Android' to jump straight to the instructions:


  6. The latest CCleaner version is v6.22.
    (v6.00 is 2-years old, do you actually have that? if so then is there a particular reason why you are running such an old version?)

    As you say that Health Check has changed then I suspect that you do have the latest v6.22.

    What Health Check used to call 'Trackers' are in fact cookies and other browser files.

    They are still being cleaned, it's just shown in a different place now.
    They are now shown on this screen, and not all of them are still referred to as 'Trackers' although the cookies still are:




  7. 11 hours ago, Mix said:

    Ran a three hr resolve on the C++x86 & C++64, couldn't do one without the other and nothing happened 


    Have you tried doing them from Tools>Software Updater rather than from Health Check?

    If that doesn't work then the 'Skip for Now' button is probably best until the devs sort out the changes that they have made which are still causing problems for some.

  8. @Caz1964 I do see what you are saying.

    I agree that ideally Custom Clean shouldn't show these new items if they are empty, a bit more coding to check for that is required.
    But I don't see an issue with them other than them showing when they are empty.
    They are showing as zero bytes, so there is nothing in them to clean.

    You could look at it this way:
    CCleaner is showing you that these items are there, and that if they are not empty then they will be cleaned.
    Although I agree that they probably shouldn't be shown in the results window if they are empty anyway.


    On 22/03/2024 at 23:02, Caz1964 said:

     the normal expectation of a cleaned success is ‘0’ or nothing shown that is remaining. Based on this logic, CCleaner absolutely did this until this version.

    Actually that's not strictly correct, except in two circumstances.
    I have been using CCleaner for years and there are only two situations that I know of where you will get a totally blank results window after an 'Ananalyze' or 'Run Cleaner', and one of those is only temporary.

    1. An empty results window can happen simply depending on what you have ticked/unticked for Custom Clean. (so if you are not scanning for/cleaning the items that are always shown then of course you don't see them).
    2. An empty results window can happen temporararily if you repeatedly run cleans without closing CCleaner in between each. (because Windows then temporarily stops recreating them to try and work out what keeps removing them and if they are being repeatedly removed by an error).

    There have always been certain items that come back straight after cleaning, plus there are a couple of items that CCleaner itself creates on opening that it then always finds to clean (unless you have that section unticked).

    And for years now people have asked about why certain files always show even after they have just cleaned.

    So, (six years ago now), I wrote a post about it - explaining what the files that keep re-appearing straight after a clean are, why they keep re-appearing, and how you can stop some of it. It gets asked so much that I even included a link to it in my signature below every post I make.
    See the second half of this:
    (I do update that post from time to time, and have now updated it to reflect that the Health Check UI has changed).

  9. Your screenshot is what you see when you have the Portable version installed.

    Go back to the builds page and download  the "Standard" installer.
    Run the newly downloaded installer and it will install the full version of CCleaner, it will pick up your licence key automatically.

    You want this installer:


    NOT this one:

  10. I don't find it odd at all, it's just something new with Chrome/Chromium that you haven't seen before in CCleaner.

    If the developers don't decide to hide them from view then you'll soon get used to seeing them.

    As I said above - 'Clean' doesn't mean 'Delete' - You don't have to throw a box away to get rid of the files in it, you throw the files but keep the box to put more in later.

    Browsers these days tend to put cookies in related sections (boxes) rather than just all in one place like they used to be, so many boxes rather than one big box.
    Firefox was the first major browser to implement it and calls them 'Cookie Jars', each 'Jar' typically contains all the cookies from one website.
    (And it took CCleaner a month or two to catch up with what Firefox had changed).
    It's done for security, eg. so that a website can't easily read the cookies from different websites.
    This graphic shows how instead of all cookies being in one place they are now put in seperate sections. (Jars/Boxes or whatever you want to call them).

    I'm not exactly sure how Chrome/Chromium is now doing it, or what it calls the sections, but it will be similar.

    So what we are now seeing in CCleanerv6.22  is some of those sections/boxes that belong to the Chrome/Chromium browser itself.
    We see the ones that the browser won't let you delete, or puts straight back if you do delete them.

    They are zero bytes because they are empty  - they've been cleaned out.

  11. No one has reported similar as far as I can see.

    "in the last few days" was this by any chance straight after doing the March Windows Update? There are various reports online that it's caused problems for some Win11 users.

    I'd try doing a 'Restart' of the computer and then a Windows Check for Updates. May not help but always worth doing.

    Then try using the Slim installer from the builds page (3rd down): https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds

  12. 18 hours ago, DaveV said:

    I dont think so, but what is the specific url??

    It would be more useful if you said where you had downloaded CCleaner from, so we can check what is being offered there.

    Can you post a screenshot of the one that you have installed? Then we can see if it is indeed the portable or not.

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