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Everything posted by peetm

  1. 1. How about constant idle-time defragmentation ... I once worked on OS/2 development - which had this [but didn't get released], and it was just great. 2. XP and Vista [and probably W2K] support journaling [can't remember its exact name] such that it's possible to know what files have been touched from time-a to time-b, i.e., from the last run of defraggler. I've wondered for some time why backup programs don't make use of this, and now I'm wondering whether defraggler could ... only analyse files that have been accessed since the last time it ran? 3. A defrag all drives option ... useful for when I sleep!
  2. peetm

    Drawing Bug

    If I analyse a drive - such that the vertical scrollbar on the SysListView32 window - and then run the mouse over the actual scrollbar, the SysListView32 window receives a constant barrage of WM_TIMER, WM_NCHITTEST and WM_NCPAINT messages: the result being that the scrollbar flashes due to the constant redraw.
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