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cannot resume defragment progress on big files


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small files are same but not affected because it's rare to stop defragment in the middle of small files


for a big file, each time you stop (not pause) and and defrag again on the specified big file, you start from 0%


this is not a display issue, say it already done 50% but when it re-do the remaining 50% it show 0%. it simply start over. i'm sure about it because i can see the drive map seeing that previous moved to, is still being read from

this is not only a stop/resume feature request which you may claim not supported, it's defrag poor speed which mean the whole file need to be moved to a whole new place even if there's enough space after the fragment


let's say, number=space, letter=data


fragment a=1 | b=_ | c=2 | d=3 | e=_ | f=_ | g=_ | h=other

i think is can and should only move 2 to b, 3 to c

but it move 1 to e, c to f, 3 to g
right after it's done moving 1 i stop it, looks like
a=_ | b=_ | c=2 | d=3 | e=1 | f=_ | g=_ | h=other
since f and g cannot hold 1 2 3, even if f g can hold 2 3, it decide to move 1 2 3 to else where start by moving 1 to some where


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